Timber Management

Professional Harvesting
Our harvesting operations are always conducted in a safe and professional manor to ensure the best experience for forest landowners.

Pre Harvest Planning
Planning is crucial to ensure that the harvest is not only safe for the crew, but for the land and wildlife as well. Proper planning allows for smooth execution and compliance with environmental regulations.

Thinning removes, diseased, defected and suppressed trees to promote healthy growth and higher future yields.

Total Harvest
Total harvesting removes all merchantable/mature and most non-merchantable timber in order to prepare for reforestation.

º Hand and V-blade Mecahnical Planting

º Site Prep (Chemical and Mechanical) - We advise on and execute proper herbicide prescriptions and mechanical applications to ensure a good kill of vegetation and promote proper seedling survival.

º Understory/Mid-story Release - We advise on and execute proper herbicide prescriptions to ensure a good kill of vegetation without negatively affecting timber or wildlife.

º Forestry Mulching - Forestry mulching is a land clearing method that uses a single machine to cut, grind, and clear vegetation.

We assess the commercial value of land and timber to give forest landowners the best forest economics possible.

Management Plans
We prepare and implement sound forest management plans tailored to meet individual landowner goals and objectives.

American Tree Farm System Plans
We have a Certified Tree Farm Inspector on staff that can write a Tree Farm Management Plan as well as enroll landowners in the American Tree Farm Program.

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